Black Diamond, a renowned name in outdoor gear, has expanded its product line with two new insulated jackets designed to keep climbers warm and comfortable in all conditions.
The Alpine Start Insulated Hoody and Approach Down Hoody promise to be climbers’ best companions during chilly and demanding multi-pitch routes and alpine missions.
The Alpine Start Insulated Hoody offers the same beloved fit as the Alpine Start Hoody, now enhanced with wind and weather resistance.
This new design strikes the perfect balance between warmth and breathability, making it an ideal choice for high-output adventures in cold conditions.
Climbers can now confidently take on the send train, knowing they’ll stay toasty on the belay.
For even colder adventures, the Approach Down Hoody steps in as the ultimate solution.
- Alpine Start Insulated Hoody
- Approach Down Hoody
Insulated by 800-fill Responsible Down Standard-certified goose down, it offers packable warmth for inclement weather.
Whether layered over a sun hoody during brisk multi-pitch routes or under a shell for ice climbs and alpine missions, this jacket ensures climbers are ready for the most challenging conditions.
With Black Diamond’s reputation for quality and performance, these new insulated jackets are set to become must-have additions to any climber’s gear collection, ensuring warmth and protection on every ascent.
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