Drinkware Brands Unite to Slash Supply Chain Emissions

MIIR, Stanley, and YETI – three leading drinkware companies, have joined forces in a groundbreaking collaboration to reduce carbon emissions across their supply chain.

The Drinkware CoLab, facilitated by the Outdoor Industry Association (OIA), aims to lessen the environmental impact of manufacturing drinkware and set a new standard for sustainability in the industry.

Reduction Roadmaps: Drinkware CoLab Impact

The CoLab focused on two key objectives: transitioning suppliers to 100% renewable electricity and developing emissions reduction plans for their facilities.

MIIR, Stanley, and YETI nominated four shared suppliers who received training, emissions measurements, target-setting assistance, and customized plans to cut emissions.

Environmental Resources Management (ERM) provided expert guidance throughout the assessment process.

These “roadmaps” outline actionable steps for each supplier to improve energy management and minimize emissions.

The CoLab prioritized solutions based on environmental benefits and cost-effectiveness for each facility, ensuring a practical path towards a greener future.

Man pouring water from a flask

The Trail Ahead

The drinkware brands are committed to partnering with suppliers to implement these plans.

They will hold quarterly meetings facilitated by the OIA to track progress and explore replicating the CoLab model with other suppliers in their networks.

This commitment to ongoing collaboration ensures the long-term success of the initiative and paves the way for wider industry adoption.

View of a waterfallJoin the Movement: A Call to Action

The Drinkware CoLab is a powerful example of pre-competitive collaboration in the fight against climate change.

By working together, businesses can achieve more significant environmental progress than they could have individually.

The Outdoor Industry Association invites other companies to participate in similar initiatives.

For more information on the CoLab program or to get involved, contact the OIA at [email protected].

Images courtesy of OIA

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Leonard Pineda

Leonard loves traveling and experiencing new places and people. He enjoys going on walks and communing with nature. Leonard is also passionate about education and what it can do to conserve the environment.

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