If you haven’t been paying attention to the world of outdoor gear — or the local forests around you — you might have missed the boom in hammock camping. Yes, hammocks. Those leisure objects strung up in backyards have received a rugged, premium adventure upgrade and are the hottest way to hang in the wilderness.
Hammock Gear is part of the reason. The small brand has been producing hammock camping gear since 2009 and was created to fulfill the needs of one outdoor niche: ultralight backpackers. Hammocks are lighter than tents, pack away much smaller, serve as the ultimate hang during the day, and are actually more comfortable for a lot of people.

Hammock Gear makes hammock camping equipment for backpackers.
Hammock Gear has kept the mile-pounding, gram-counting base at its core, but creates a range of premium and economy backpacking hammocks, quilts, shelters, and accessories for backpackers and campers of all outdoor persuasions. Their gear is Made in America, built by expert backpackers, yet caters to gearheads and new outdoor enthusiasts alike.
The WanderLust: One and Done Hammock Camping
The boom in hammock camping is not random; it occurred alongside the general boom in outdoor exploration, brought on by the pandemic and the wilderness being a quiet, open space to enjoy time as a family.
Hammock Gear responded with a one and done hammock camping kit called The WanderLust. For anyone who has decided to spend a night (or more) in the woods and wants a simple, lightweight hammock setup the WanderLust is ideal. It includes all the things you’ll need to sleep comfortably, high off the ground.

The WanderLust Kit is a full hammock camping setup. Full protection, as seen above.
The WanderLust system includes an extra-long hammock with a zippered bug net, ultralight hammock suspension, a Quest tarp with reflective guylines for complete staking, stakes and stuff sacks. This means everything you need to stretch out between two trees is available at a shockingly low cost — $229.99 — for the quality. The entire thing weighs just over five pounds, and you’ve got color options as well.
If you’re without insulation (a sleeping bag or quilt) you can add on Hammock Gear’s Incubator and Burrow quilts, both rated for 20-degree nights, to the package for an increased cost.

Insulation is an addition to the basic WanderLust, and comes with the incredibly popular Incubator Under Quilt (pictured above) and Burrow Top Quilt.
Well-designed, lightweight outdoor gear is expensive, and Hammock Gear has bundled the WanderLust setup into a streamlined, affordable package for new outdoor enthusiasts and those looking to make the transition to hammock camping.
American Made, Adventure Grade Backpacking Hammocks
What keeps small, niche gear manufacturers churning? In today’s outdoor world, we pin it on exceptional design at the right price with a strong ethical selling point.
Hammock Gear hits each of these nails on the head, with the most prominent being the ethical selling point. Every hammock and quilt made by Hammock Gear is made in the U.S. For outdoor enthusiasts who want to more fully explore the U.S., it feels good to use gear that was made here.

Hammock Gear makes its hammocks and quilts in the U.S.
And because of the quality construction, Hammock Gear’s hammocks and quilts work exceptionally well. The hammock in particular is longer — 11 feet in total — which creates a flatter lay for more bed-like sleep. Plus, you can customize your hammock or quilt with a huge range of options, including the type of tree straps, temperature of the quilts, and more.
There are premium and economy options for every shopper, too.
If you’ve ever considered hammock camping, now is the time to try. Hammock Gear will get you the goods — and if you’re not keen on the “hammock” aspect, the company makes quilts and shelters for ground camping as well.
See the full range of Hammock Gear’s outdoor equipment.
This article is sponsored by Hammock Gear.
Backpackers.com Affiliate Policy: This guide contains affiliate links, which help fund our website. When you click on the links to purchase the gear we get a commission, and this goes a long way to creating guides, gear reviews, and other excellent content.
Good quilts for backpacker, thank you for sharing
I have a camping hammock and it is large, easy to hang & very comfortable. I loved the color too. The hammock straps were easy to use and a carry-all bag is included. The quality is excellent. I am thinking of buying a second one. Highly recommended this shop.