We live in an age where products arrive at our doorstep monthly, if not weekly. Most often they’re not outdoor gear — but they could be. The Nomadik is a monthly subscription box with products exclusively for the outdoor adventure enthusiast. It features unique brands you probably have never heard of, and a collection of outdoor gear that’s curated to your activities.
Past and current brands include Mountainsmith, United by Blue, Grand Trunk, luminAID, HydraPak, and more. And products get handy: from hydration bladders to hammocks to insulated bottles to matches and lanterns, you will always find a use for what arrives.

The Nomadik Welcome Box.
Depending on the number of months you subscribe for, The Nomadik costs about $30 a month, and is guaranteed to have $50 or more in product per box. You can skip any month you don’t want — pay only for what ships — and you’ll get up to 7 pieces of gear in each box.
For new members, The Nomadik has a specialized (and specifically impressive) box. It includes a Grand Trunk Ultralight Starter Hammock + Straps, Gear Aid Tenacious Tape, UCO Gear Hurricane Matches, and a Skratch Labs Hydration Drink Mix.
These are clutch outdoor products that are useful for camping, backpacking, or generally hanging around outside, and it’s just the start with a Nomadik Subscription Box.
See the The Nomadik Subscription Box
Unique Features of the The Nomadik Subscription Box
The Nomadik Subscription box system is built to keep you topped on gear you actually want and will use. After your first box, Nomadik asks you specific questions about your activities and the kind of gear you already have. It then customizes the rest of your boxes based on these preferences.
But, more than products, Nomadik has a robust community and helpful pamphlet that comes with each box, which highlights the Nomadik Challenge and gives you quick outdoor tips. The Nomadik Challenge is typically around social media campaigns — like taking a picture and tagging the brand while using their product — and can earn you free boxes.

The Nomadik Welcome Box.
The education tips are classic, like how to build a bonfire, how to hang a hammock, and what to do during quarantine!
Finally, Nomadik offers discounts, often in the 25% range, for each brand included in the box. If you fall in love with a brand, you can grab more of their gear for way less.
The Nomadik Welcome Box
Nomadik’s welcome box, pictured in this Highlight, is what you will receive if you’re a new subscriber. It’s a particularly solid box, and comes with outdoor products that make themselves useful in any situation.
The Grand Trunk Ultralight Starter Hammock weighs just 12 ounces, sets up in a few seconds, and allows you to relax in the backyard or between trees in the backcountry easily. And it comes with the straps, an annoying and often secondary purchase when buying a hammock.

The Grand Trunk Ultralight Starter Hammock.
The Gear Aid Tenacious Tape is actually an item we often recommend, and one that most of our staff and review team already uses. This version is cut into small squares and comes in a convenient storage container. Tenacious Tape is perfect for covering rips in puffy jackets, tents, and backpack snags. Slap it on, and you’re all set.

Gear Aid Tenacious Tape is incredibly handy, and it packs up easily and safely in the included container.
The Hurricane Matches from UCO Gear assure you’ll get that fire going — they are windproof and waterproof, and come with a special striker.

Be sure to start a fire with UCO Gear’s Hurricane Matches.
Finally, the Skratch Labs Hydration powder. Who doesn’t like a small, sweet treat in their monthly box? Throw this in the Nalgene and hit the trail.
See the The Nomadik Subscription Box
Who is The Nomadik?
The Nomadik is a premier outdoor adventure subscription box service. It has partnerships with unique brands and always provides more value than the cost, in addition to customizing your boxes with gear you actually want and need.
The box pictured here is for new subscribers, and is just the start.
See The Nomadik Subscription Box.
This article is sponsored by The Nomadik.
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