The world of outdoor gear is extremely vast and often times the cottage gear companies can go overlooked. Here at Backpackers, we love the little brands and this article is all about our favorite cottage gear companies of 2024. Many of you will know what a cottage gear company is, but for those who don’t, I’ll explain quickly! Cottage gear companies generally make outdoor gear that can’t be obtained from mainstream brands because it’s very specialized and tends to be niche.
Cottage gear companies are the MVPs for those who rely on what they make. So today we celebrate these little companies doing big work!
If you are someone who’s into ultralight backpacking, winter camping or a different form of adventure that’s not necessarily the norm, chances are you use cottage gear. If you do, we’d love to hear about your favorite pieces in the comments!
Check out our favorite cottage gear companies of the year below!
Six Moon Designs
Six Moon Designs is a cottage gear company that is all about crafting sturdy and ultralight products. For many years now, thru-hikers and ultralight fanatics alike have raved about their gear. And it’s easy to see why! Over the past many months a few of us here at Backpackers have been testing out the Swift X 50L Ultralight Backpack and it’s an excellent part of our adventures! If you’ve ever seen someone out on trail rocking a sun umbrella, chances are that’s also a Six Moon Designs product!
All their gear is made by folks who actually adventure, so it’s all designed based on experience. Their goal is to make lightweight, high quality and affordable gear. And across the board they get it right!
CNOC Outdoors
As CNOC Outdoors puts it, they create amazing gear that everyone wants but no one makes. They are a six-person company based out of Portland, Oregon and we love them! They’re well known for their Vecto Water Containers that allow you to easily collect water and filter it through whatever filter you like best!
They also make similarly useful collapsible water bottles and food bags. We love that their gear is lightweight but super durable. They get it right, which everyone truly appreciates! Especially when you’re miles deep in the wilderness!
Purple Rain Adventure Skirts
Purple Rain Adventure Skirts are one of the most versatile pieces of adventure clothing on the market! Whether you’re looking to dayhike, thru-hike, road trip or something else entirely! Their skirts have big pockets, are made from durable materials and gave features like between-the-legs snaps for if times get windy!
This cottage gear company is a one-woman business and she has done such an amazing job perfecting her brand. From making functional products, to being welcoming and inclusive of all, Purple Rain Adventure Skirts are worth checking out! They even make custom skirts and kilts!
Check out Purple Rain Adventure Skirts
If you camp in extreme places, you will know how important the perfect tent is! For niche and brutal camping, SlingFin has your back! This cottage gear company was founded by an employee of Mountain Hardware that decided to set out and create something epic. SlingFin makes some of the most durable and thoughtful tents on the market. They’re tents are classified by outdoor experts as bombproof and dependable.
The 2Lite Tent is a really popular choice for backpacking in the mountains. It can handle a bombardment of hail, snow and wind. All while weighing in at just over 2 pounds. Their tents have great vestibules, pitching options and a whole lot of pockets. Making them highly usable and a joy!
If you’ve hiked a long trail or done much backpacking in states like California, chances are you’ve used a BearVault. But did you know that they’re a cottage gear company? They’re a small, family-owned company based out of Colorado! The BearVault brand was founded based on their love for wildlife, wild places and conservation. Three things all adventurers should care deeply for.
Their Jaunt Bear Canister is the classic product they make. It’s perfect for a 2-person weekend trip, or a 4-day solo trip! A protip with BearVault products is that they also make great camp chairs!
TOAKS is a cottage gear company that creates titanium cookware and accessories that are built to last and hold up to anything. They’re a small company founded in Thousand Oaks, California. Over the years their stoves and pots have become super popular for backpackers and hunters. One of their most loved products is the Titanium 750ml Pot. It can be used to cook with, clean with and drink from like a mug. It’s a spectacular, versatile size.
Recently our gear tester Jon has been using the Titanium Wood Burning Stove and simply raves about it. It’s a great option for those who don’t want to carry fuel cans and will be adventuring through plenty of natural fuel to burn up.
Kula Cloth

Made for anyone who squats to pee, Kula Cloths are pretty much super cute and reusable toilet paper. And Kula Cloth is a cottage gear company that is all about fun, exclusivity and making pee cloths cool! I remember when Kula Cloth launched! It was hands down one of the most exciting pieces of new gear of all time. At least for women it was. Total game changer. These days you see Kula Cloths attached to backpacks wherever you go and they’re even sold at REI!
Kula Cloth is passionate about Leave No Trace and by replacing toilet paper in the backcountry, they are certainly a Leave No Trace force!
Senchi Designs
Senchi Designs is basically the new and modern… and easier to access… Melanzana. They make excellent, lightweight fleece gear that has a bit of a cult following at this point. Their fleece is super soft and fuzzy. And of course, they’re a cottage gear company, based in Portland, Oregon.
Their Alpha 90 Hoodie is a super, super popular top that sells out quickly! It’s highly versatile and is really comfortable for life on trail and off.
Western Mountaineering
When it comes to cottage gear companies making premium and perfect sleeping bags, it’s impossible to surpass Western Mountaineering. They make the ideal sleeping bag for any condition Mother Nature can create. The truth is, once you go Western Mountaineering, you’ll likely never go back. Errr… something like that!
Whether you’re backpacking or car camping, they make a perfect sleeping bag for you. Their attention to detail and quality is top notch and thei customer service is exceptional.
Check out Western Mountaineering
A cottage gear company making an electronic? Yep! Say hello to COROS! They make some of the most innovative and interesting adventure watches on the market. Hikers, trail runners and mountain athletes love COROS for the long battery lives of their products and the accurate tracking.
If you want to give a new adventure tracker a try, COROS likely has the perfect product for you. Their Pace 3 GPS Sport Watch is much loved and our gear testers have loved using it in extreme conditions.
All images courtesy Backpackers and REI, All Rights Reserved. Affiliate Policy: This guide contains affiliate links, which help fund our website. When you click on the links to purchase the gear, we get a commission, and this goes a long way to creating guides, gear reviews, and other excellent content.