Outdoor Brands Band Together to Accelerate Clean Energy

Collective action is key to achieving clean energy goals, and that’s exactly what major outdoor industry players REI, Burton, and NEMO Equipment are doing.

Partnering through the Outdoor Industry Association’s (OIA) Vietnam Renewable Energy Impact CoLab, these brands are working together with suppliers to transition to cleaner energy sources.

Challenges and Collaboration in Vietnam’s Growing Market

Vietnam is a crucial manufacturing hub for many outdoor brands, but its reliance on fossil fuels creates significant greenhouse gas emissions.

While Vietnam’s clean energy sector is expanding, offering opportunities for solar projects, challenges persist.

The OIA’s Vietnam Renewable Energy CoLab was created to address these challenges.

By bringing brands and suppliers together, the CoLab fosters collaboration on shared solutions for a smoother transition to renewable energy.

Taking Action: Successes of the CoLab

“Partnering on the CoLab was exciting,” says Theresa McKenney, Director of Sustainability at NEMO Equipment.

“We’re aiming for a 50% reduction in emissions intensity by 2030, and working with our supply chain is crucial. This initiative exemplifies collective action driving emissions reductions.”

The CoLab’s focus was on rooftop solar installations at supplier facilities. Through collaboration, REI, Burton, and NEMO facilitated the installation of 3.5 MW of solar power across five facilities.

Impact and Future Considerations

The CoLab resulted in proposals for five on-site solar systems, with power purchase agreements offering significant cost savings and covering a substantial portion of each facility’s electricity needs.

However, market conditions have evolved, with permitting hurdles and economic concerns emerging as challenges.

Michelle Murphy Rogers of Allotrope Partners, a clean energy advisor involved in the CoLab, highlights, “The CoLab process allows exploring renewable energy procurement innovations in a low-risk setting. It established time-saving approaches for future procurements.”

Collaboration is Key to a Sustainable Future

OIA’s Impact CoLabs provide a platform for collaboration, recognizing that individual companies cannot solve the climate crisis alone.

The outdoor industry is taking a stand for clean energy. By working together, brands like REI, Burton, and NEMO are paving the way for a more sustainable future.

Learn more about OIA’s Impact CoLabs and how your business can join the movement toward a greener tomorrow.

Images courtesy of OIA

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Leonard Pineda

Leonard loves traveling and experiencing new places and people. He enjoys going on walks and communing with nature. Leonard is also passionate about education and what it can do to conserve the environment.

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