PEARL iZUMi, the worldwide leader in premier cycling apparel and footwear, is thrilled to unveil a short film on Sir Willie the Wiener.
A short daschund’mentary, this film will give viewers a brief look into what it takes to become the FKD, the Fastest Known Dog.
The film showcases his cutting-edge approach to training, recovery, and equipment and the unique relationship he’s built with Alexey Vermeulen, former pro tour racer and reigning 2022 Belgium Waffle Ride Champion.
“Since coming off the WorldTour, it’s been hard to find a training partner. I finally found one in Willie, and he’s awesome,” Vermeulen said.
Sir Willie is a long-haired miniature dachshund owned by Vermeulen’s girlfriend, Sophie Linn.
When COVID hit the streets, and people were told to stay indoors to prevent contracting the virus, Vermeulen and Linn started working more closely together, and Willie became part of their lives almost immediately.
Unbeknownst to them, Willie had no issues with being stuck on a tiny seat mounted on a bike’s back and proved to love going places from two wheels.
Watch this video of the very good boy Sir Willie the Wiener during the final build up to his latest Fastest Known Dog (FKD) Strava segment attempt:
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