Beat the Pain and Boost Performance with KT Tape's Ice Series

KTⓇ is not only the leading kinesiology tape brand but also a pioneer in athletic recovery and performance. Recently, they announced a brand new product line, the KT Ice Series which is aimed at helping the everyday athlete stay in the game. Whether that means getting out on your daily hike or jog or hiking the PCT, these products will be great tools to have in your kit.

As someone who got a sneak-peek preview, I am lucky to have tested these products out in the field; snowshoeing, hiking, skiing, running, and stand up paddleboarding, and have been impressed with how well they work.

Stay Cool and Recover Faster with the KT Ice Series

The product series consists of KT Tape Pro Ice, KT Health Magnesium Creams, and KT Health Ice Sleeves. While I’ve tested all of these products, I’ve found that the creams are my favorite.

KT tape uses two anchor points where it is attached to the skin, allowing the fascia in between to be lifted and induce blood flow. With the addition of menthol into the KT Tape Pro Ice, thermoreceptors are activated, promoting relaxation and promoting recovery.

The KT Recover Magnesium cream also uses menthol to promote recovery post-exercise. The KT Health Activate cream enhances blood flow by warming muscles and getting them ready to fire.

Finally, for the full experience, the KT Health Ice sleeve offers flexible, cold compression therapy to help reduce pain and swelling.

I tried the KT Pro Ice Tape and it was a great post-workout option. If you have something that needs some support as well as pain relief this is perfect. I did test the tape out during an activity and it did peel off a bit quicker than the regular KT Pro Tape. This is because of the menthol addition, so I would suggest using it post-hike.

KT Activate Magnesium Cream. Photo by Nathan Sandidge

I noticed a big difference in muscle stiffness (decreased) when I applied the KT Health Activate cream prior to both hiking as well as SUP yoga. I had a niggle in my lower back and hip, and this, coupled with the KT Health Recover cream worked wonders.

I did not have a chance to test the Ice sleeve at length but it could be a great option if you are close to home and have access to a freezer. I will note that the flexible nature (does not harden when frozen) is a nice plus.

The creams as well as the tape are packable, and lightweight, making them great options to bring on day or multi-day trips.

For backpacking or any other sport that requires a heavy pack, the tape can be particularly useful in offering support. You can tape your abs to help activate and take the pressure off your back. In addition, taping your feet can offer some welcome support on multi-day adventures.

Happy hiking!

Images courtesy of KT. Affiliate Policy: This article may contain affiliate links, which help fund our website. When you click on the links to purchase the gear we get a commission, and this goes a long way to creating guides, gear reviews, and other excellent content.

Laurel Walker

Hi, I'm Laurel! I grew up skiing and ice skating in rural New York and have been in love with the mountains as long as I can remember. After college, I moved West and quickly got hooked on trail running, rock climbing, ice climbing, and backcountry skiing. I love moving through the mountains efficiently whether that be on skis, by foot or on a rope, and I love gear! When I'm not playing in the mountains you'll find me testing, tinkering and dissecting my gear closet. I also love to write, as well as teach and mentor those around me.

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