Life With Mountain Goats: Book Pre-Order

Have you ever spotted a mountain goat while on an adventure? For many folks who spend time in the mountains, mountain goats are an unforgettable species to observe and spend time with. From their athleticism, curiosity, and big personalities to their majestic white coats and ability to appear out of nowhere, mountain goats are delightful creatures to see in their natural habitat.

My latest book, Life With Mountain Goats, is now available for pre-order. Continue reading to learn more about me, Deirdre Denali Rosenberg, and my experiences with mountain goats.

My Life with Mountain Goats

From the time I was a child, I was pretty taken in by the magical nature of mountain goats.

A mountain goat mama and her kid make their way across a stormy autumn tundra.

As a full-time conservation photographer specializing in mountain biomes and alpine wildlife, it became clear to me that I needed to spend time learning more about these animals, and my project, Life With Mountain Goats, was formed.

During this years-long project, I tracked small mountain goat herds through some of the most rugged mountainous terrain in the lower 48: the San Juan Mountains. I wanted to learn about their behaviors, group dynamics, and seasonal changes. And, of course, I wanted to create beautiful photos!

My new book Life With Mountain Goats is a collection of images, information, field notes, and stories about my time tracking these extremely remote herds. It’s a book for all ages, from the littlest explorers to seasoned pros. It’s currently available for pre-order and will be shipping by December 1st, 2022!

Whether you’re looking to learn about these animals or just take in the mountain views, this book is for you!

Editor’s note: Deirdre Denali Rosenberg is a long-time contributor to She has extensive experience out in the field observing wildlife and is able to capture them, and her experiences, with unfaltering care and attention to detail. This book is sure to be an eye-opening look into the life of mountain goats.


Deirdre is a photographer and outdoor writer based in Tucson and the San Juan Mountains. She is a big fan of type II fun and loves gear! To check out some of Deirdre's work, check out her IG! Instagram.

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