New Filtration Systems Provide Access to Safe Water in the Outdoors

Explorers can continue to spend time off the grid, exploring uncharted wildernesses without having to worry about access to safe drinking water.

The spring launch of the Peak Series water filtration systems by LifeStraw guarantees reliable access to safe water in the outdoors and backcountry.

The Peak Series, which builds on the success of the original LifeStraw design, includes the Personal Water Filter Straw, the 650 ml and 1L Collapsible Squeeze Bottle Water Filter System, the 3L and 8L Gravity Water Filter System, and the 8L Gravity Water Filter + Water Storage Bag.

The video below shows how the Peak Series incorporates innovative designs and upgraded materials to offer a safe, reliable water solution in the outdoors.

While access to safe water will never be a problem for outdoor enthusiasts, using durable and reusable water bottles has become imperative.

And if you need a container to drink your filtered water from, Super Sparrow bottles are manufactured from premium materials that can withstand the toughest environments even in the backcountry.

Super Sparrow bottles are both stylish and ergonomically designed, making them easy to use and ideal for long-term storage. Affiliate Policy: This article may contain affiliate links, which help fund our website. When you click on the links to purchase the gear we get a commission, and this goes a long way to creating guides, gear reviews, and other excellent content.

Leonard Pineda

Leonard loves traveling and experiencing new places and people. He enjoys going on walks and communing with nature. Leonard is also passionate about education and what it can do to conserve the environment.

One response to “New Filtration Systems Provide Access to Safe Water in the Outdoors

  1. Jim. Atkinsonsays:

    It is interesting that we have evolved from heavy boots, packs a d other gear to ultralight gear. Waterbottles have now evolved fromight weight to heavy insulated metal. What happened to putting ice cubes in your bottle? I also put ice packs next to my water bladder and still have cool water hours later!

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