Community Highlight: 6 Tips For Trail Leaders by Hartley Brody
We highlight Hartley Brody’s Adventure Blog’s 6 tips for trail leaders. Advice for beginners, experienced, and anyone out on the trail.
Winter Backpacking: Snow and Avalanche Resources
Snow and Avalanche resources are critical to winter backpackers. Here are four of the best free sources available. Be prepared.
Community Highlight: Backpacking and Photography by Lukas De Clercq
We sourced a great article on backpacking and photography. Read why you should take certain photography gear for your travels, courtesy Lukas De Clercq.
The Cairn Backpacking App Keeps You Safe
Want to be safe on the trail? The Cairn backpacking app just debuted, and it’s a great way to track your route in the wilderness. You can end an emergency contact your route and build a community map in the process.
Watch: Wilderness Academy Explains Tinder Bundles and Birds Nest
Make sure you know how to light a roaring fire every time. Wilderness Academy explains tinder bundles and birds nest, the ultimate in fire starting.
Pacific Crest Trail Association Southbound Guide
The Pacific Crest Trail Association knows everything about the 2,663 mile trail, which stretches from Mexico to Canada. It has a helpful guide on the southbound route, which we highlight here.
Andrew Skurka’s Backpacking Gear Checklist Template
Andrew Skurka released the ultimate backpacking gear checklist template to the public. Thank you, Skurka!
How To Tie Knots Essential to Backpacking
We’ve collected some of the best how to tie knots videos around. Here are six knots you need for backpacking, and exactly how to tie them.
Winter is Coming: How to Protect Against Wilderness Hypothermia
We draw from two excellent articles on how to protect against wilderness hypothermia. Don’t go out without some knowledge!
Watch: CleverHiker’s 12 Step Plan for Backpacking Trips
CleverHiker is a great resource for the backpacking community. Watch his 12 step plan for backpacking trips.